
For individuals who have gained their training in the UK, registration as a Clinical Scientist is a two-stage process.

Initially, you apply for certification from an HCPC approved Education Provider for clinical science (of which the ACS is a recognised body, awarding the ACS Certificate of Attainment).

ACS Certificate of Attainment application fees are subsidised by its constituent professional bodies for its current members and you are advised to join the appropriate body to gain support in your training as well as this significant fee reduction.


ACS Certificate of Attainment application fees are as follows –

Applicants who are current members of ACS Member Professional Bodies:

  • RouteONE   – £210.00
  • RouteTWO   – £300.00
  • Developing Sciences   – £400.00

Applicants who are not current members of ACS Member Professional Bodies:

  • RouteONE   – £360.00
  • RouteTWO   – £450.00
  • Developing Sciences   – £500.00

Single Competency Re-submission (all applicants) – £160.00



ACS fees are reviewed annually and published on this website.

This does not cover any travel expenses incurred by candidates attending an assessment interview.

Payment of ACS fees is by bank transfer.  Purchase Orders along with Debit and Credit card payments are not accepted.

The details for bank transfer are; acc name: Association of Clinical Scientists, acc no: 5247 3682, srt cd: 40 11 18 and your last name as the reference.


Once the ACS Certificate of Attainment is obtained, you may then apply to the HCPC to obtain registration as a Clinical Scientist.

For information on the HCPC registration fees and methods of payment, please see