My Routes to Registration

Which Route to Clinical Scientist HCPC Registration is best for me?


In order to work in the UK under the protected title ‘Clinical scientist’ an individual must first gain registration as such with the Health & Care Professions Council (HCPC). Until that point an individual may work in clinical science in the UK but as a pre-registrant/trainee.

There are different options available to individuals wishing to apply to obtain HCPC registration as a Clinical Scientist in the UK.


1) Health & Care Professions Council-UK (HCPC) International route

This route is for those already considered fully trained, qualified and working overseas, but wishing to obtain HCPC registration in the UK as a Clinical Scientist. These individuals should obtain information directly from the HCPC.


2) National School of Healthcare Science (NSHCS)

This route is for those who have successfully completed the formal NHS Scientist Training Programme (STP).


3) Academy for Healthcare Science (AHCS) Certificate of Equivalence

For those who have undertaken training, hold qualifications and/or professional experience equivalent to those trained through the relevant STP programme. The AHCS do not prescribe a specific length of training to confer equivalence, although applicants should note that graduates from the STP programme will complete three years of Masters level (EQF level 7) education including a minimum of 90 weeks integrated workplace training, and it is unlikely that periods of experience substantially less than this will be deemed adequate. Applicants are assessed against Good Scientific Practice in relation to the appropriate STP learning outcomes that can be found in the STP Curricula and Learning Guides on the NHS Networks website here. Applications for the Certificate of Equivalence (STP) are considered in three stages, the preliminary (screening) application, preparing the portfolio and the assessment stage. In the preliminary stage, the applicant’s basic qualifications and experience are reviewed, this is an administrative check and the applicant should ensure that they have the appropriate background to apply. Once applicants have been approved for portfolio submission, a portfolio must be submitted within six months of the approval date, except in exceptional circumstances. For more detail on these options please seek information directly from the AHCS.


3) Association of Clinical Scientists (ACS) Certificate of Attainment

For those who have successfully completed an ACS constituent member professional body approved formal pre-registrant clinical scientist training role (formerly ‘Grade A’) and have other relevant experience working as a pre-registered clinical scientist supervised by a GMC or HCPC registered clinical scientist (or a supervisor approved by the ACS Board on request). This experience comprise at least three years of relevant full time work in total.

For those who may not have completed the formal training associated with Route ONE, but have extensive experience in the relevant field sufficient to demonstrate our competences based on a cross referenced portfolio of evidence, and (if approved) an interview. Although no minimum time restriction is placed on this route it is very unlikely that applicants will be able to satisfy assessors should they have less than 4 years experience and it is vital that this includes sufficient clinical exposure in a working environment. Experience/training being claimed as working in the role of a supervised pre-registered clinical scientist will require a GMC or HCPC registered clinical scientist (or a supervisor approved by the ACS Board on request) to act as supervisor signatory(ies) towards the application.

For both ACS Routes individuals will be required to produce a portfolio of evidence of their experience. This total experience must then be confirmed by interview, in which an assessment of their portfolio of evidence of training and experience will also be required to confirm attainment of approved competences (both Generic and Modality/Sub-Modality specific competences).
It may be noted that for either of the ACS Routes we can accept experience gained from overseas towards an application.
Please see the ACS Guidelines for application  for more information, in particular pages 4 & 5 for the formal definitions and subsequent explanations of each route of application.


For more information specific to your modality, including advice on training and qualified Clinical Scientist opportunities in the UK, you may wish to contact the relevant ACS constituent member professional body to your field for advice. If the relevant professional body is unable to advise please direct any specific queries you might have to the administrative office who will forward to the relevant professional body’s representative on the ACS Board who may be able to respond with some advice in due course.